The compressed air from the air compressor entrains large and small oil droplets,and the large oil droplets are easily separated by the oil air separator 1622314000 ,while the small oil droplets (suspended oil particles) must be filtered through the micron glass fiber filter layer of the oil air separator. The air compressor filter elements applications are as below photo:

Technical Datas:
• Filtration accuracy:0.1µm
• Filtration efficiency:99.999%
• Initial pressure difference:≦0.02MPa
• The service life can reach about 3500~5200h
• Compressed air oil content can reach below 3ppm
• The filter material is made of American HV and American Lydall company glass fiber
Filter Structure:
We make 1622314000 oil air separator use the most advanced anti-corrosion and high-efficiency microfiber condensed material as the main body of the filter.The filter bed of the system filter element is composed of a prefilter layer,a microfiber layer,a support layer,a filter layer and a gravity sedimentation layer,so that the compressor outputs air. The solid particles above 3μm in the medium can be completely filtered out,and the extremely small oil-water gas solution of about 0.01-1μm is condensed into larger oil droplets when passing through the filter element, and accumulates at the bottom of the filter element,and then passes through the bottom of the filter element. The oil return line siphons back into the lubrication system allowing the compressor to discharge cleaner, oil free compressed air.

Test Standards:
Before delivery, Our manufactured 1622314000 oil air separator element will be tested and follow the standards:
ISO 2941 Collapse & Burst Resistant
ISO 2942 Fabrication & Integrity Test
ISO 2943 Material Compatibility with Fluids
ISO 3724 Flow Fatigue Characteristics
ISO 3968 Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate
ISO 16889 Multi-pass Performance Testing
Customized Processing:
We corporation are excellent oil air separator filter cartridge manufacturer
LIU-TECH Filters
MANN Filters
Hitachi Filters
Kaeser Filters
Other types are available on request